Mason & Starr Get Vaccinated
Mason & Starr both received their COVID-19 vaccinations live on-air! In partnership with the Detroit Health Department’s push to get the local community vaccinated, for the purpose of getting the word out they opened their studio. The room was transformed within minutes making the area a clinic.
Check out the great interview with the Chief Public Health Officer and the exciting Facebook Live video right here!

Johnson And Johnson vaccine being administered. (Photo by: Marcus D. Reed)
With the pandemic still raging on in Michigan, it has become a high priority to get vaccinated. We have the number to schedule your vaccine to call below.
Detroit’s Chief Public Health Officer, Denise Fair spoke with Mason and Starr about the need to get the community vaccinated and educated on the truth about the shots. Listen to the audio right here.
In the interview, Ms.Fair was quoted saying, “We are all experiencing COVID fatigue.”

Denise Fair In the Beasley Media Detroit Studio (Photo by: Marcus D. Reed)
“Please don’t Let down your guard down, the best way to get rid of this pandemic is to get vaccinated.”
Vaccines Going Live!
Do Your Part
Mason & Starr were both extremely excited about receiving the Johson and Johnson vaccination. However, Mason still stated that he will be wearing his mask and always keeping his 6 feet of distance in public. The health guidelines provided have all protected us all, and now it’s time to get a shot that can save the lives of the ones closest to you.
Call to schedule: (313) -230-0505 and you will be able to set up an appointment best for your schedule.
Detroit we need to protect the community and here on the Mason & Starr show, we want to keep you informed, find the latest details on the TCF Center vaccination site. Also, COVID-19 scams are on the rise, know what to look out for to protect your information. Listen to Mason & Starr every weekday morning from 6 – 10 am only on KISS FM Detroit!
Vaccine Rejoice