Michigan Tattoos: Here’s the Most Popular One in the State
Tattoos are nothing new, but it seems more and more people are getting them these days. We’re all for that. I mean, who doesn’t love a great tattoo? So, in Michigan what is the most popular tattoo out there?
The crew at Zippa recently did a study to determine the most popular tattoo in every state in the US. Zippa is “The Career Expert,” according to their website, and they make the point that “it is more acceptable now than ever to have tattoos in the workplace.” They add that, “One-third of companies are perfectly fine with visible tattoos. Others exist in a grey area where a small tattoo wouldn’t sway them from their ideal candidate. As acceptability continues to rise, we’re going to see a lot more ink on the job.”
As for methodology, Zippa used search trends to figure out “what tattoo each state gets more than any other state, using search proxy as a way to measure tattoo intent.” So, people were searching about how to get these tattoos, and that’s how they figured it out. They looked at a full year of searches, to boot.
So, what are the most popular tattoos in America? In summary, the study found that states like a lot of different tattoos, but cats, zodiac signs and marine mammals are extra popular. Another common one is butterfly tattoos, which the study notes are the most often searched on the web across the US, with an average 12,100. They also note that about 30% of Americans have tattoos, and the number of people getting inked in the US has gone up by 21% since 2012.
What’s the most popular tattoo in Michigan? According to the study, and this is a shocker, a Biden tattoo is the most popular tattoo in Michigan. Politics aside, this really surprises me. I’m actually surprised to have any political figure named the most popular tattoo in a state. In nearby states, Ohio loves the whale tattoos, Indiana goes for the sheep tattoos and Illinois likes their barbed wire tattoos. Wow. Find the full study here. Also, thanks to my friend Joe Winner for first reporting this story down in Florida.