Three Michigan Cities Set Records for Freezing Temperatures
Last weekend felt like spring in Michigan, but this weekend, not so much. I guess that’s where they get the phrase that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, or in like a lamb and out like a lion. We went from lamb to lion in a matter of days- make that hours.
On Saturday (March 12), temperatures were so cold throughout Michigan that some areas even hit record temperatures. Records “lows for highs,” that is. I was outside a bit on Saturday and definitely felt the freezing temperatures. It’s kind of a shock, especially since next week, much of Michigan is expected to experience above normal temperatures. I’m so ready for the heat. Perhaps we can actually break some records that involve warm temperatures this time around.
According to the National Weather Service in Detroit, the one city on the east side of the state that hit a record is Flint. That town actually broke its previously set record for the lowest high on record. “Flint’s high temperature of 20 degrees today beats the record lowest high temp of 22 set in 1992,” the National Weather Service in Detroit Flint's high temperature of 20 degrees today beats the record lowest high temp of 22 set in 1992. #miwx
According to the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids, the two Michigan cities on the west side of the state that hit records are Grand Rapids and Jackson. In both cases, the cities experienced the lowest highs on record, and they tied records set years ago. One record was set back in the 1800s. Were they even keeping track back then? It appears they were, which is mind-boggling just on its town. “Yesterday’s max temperatures at Jackson (21) and Grand Rapids(18) tied the records for lowest high temperature for March 12th,” the National Weather Service 3/13/2022 Yesterday's Max temperatures at Jackson (21) and Grand Rapids(18) tied the records for lowest High temperature for March 12th. In Jackson that record was previously set back in 1984 and in Grand Rapids it was set in 1896.