Dad Shares Trick To Get Kids Used To Wearing Masks Before School
Ann In The UK/Shutterstock
A math teacher in Iowa is sharing a BRILLIANT trick to help kids embrace wearing a mask at school!
When Leland Schipper’s 5-year-old son Auden starts kindergarten this month, he will be required to keep his face covered. “My wife and I had a conversation about how difficult it will be for teachers to enforce that rule but how it important it is,” Schipper, 30, told TODAY Parents. “It dawned on me that we needed to start practicing.”
Drum roll…
As simple as it sounds, we have to agree, this is a brilliant idea and worth the try!
Schipper’s hack, which he says is helping Auden, has been shared more than 122,000 times since he posted it on July 31.
Kudos to this creative dad AND for sharing with the rest of us!