Often times, the cool cities to live in aren’t necessarily the most reasonable. Many cities that are considered trendy and cool are simply very expensive to reside in. One Michigan city, though, is apparently super cool and has a low cost of living, ranking No. 1 on a list of the coolest cities in America with the lowest cost of living.
The list comes from PureWow.com, with the outlet naming their “10 Coolest Cities with the Lowest Cost of Living in the U.S.” In the study, they state, “Sure, you could find the absolute cheapest city in the country, pack up all your things and head out. But even if your money goes a long way, if there’s nothing around, you’ll have nowhere to spend it. What about the food? The drinks? The arts? The entertainment? For some, we want the best of both worlds.”
As for how they did the study, PureWow.com “cross-referenced data from the Council for Community and Economic Research’s Cost of Living Index (for reference, the U.S. cost of living benchmark average is 100, so anything under that is good) with some qualitative analyses (like, is there anything to do in these towns?) to find the happy meeting place of the coolest and most affordable cities in the country.”
As mentioned above, one Michiagn town is actually No. 1 on this list, which is pretty mind-boggling. The rest of the picks comes from all across America. Look below to find the list, and for more information and the methodology , visit PureWow.com here.