Brickworld Coming To Detroit!
If you or your kids are a fan of Legos or you’re just looking for something for your kids to do this weekend, take them down to Brickworld. Brickworld will be held at the Event Hall 46100 Grand River in Novi. Come see over 40,000 square feet of extravagant creations all built from LEGO bricks pieces by local LEGO enthusiasts. Enjoy hands-on activities, such as the LEGO and DUPLO play brick areas. (activities may be suspended based on conditions at the time of the show) Purchase your favorite LEGO sets like Star Wars, Marvel, Batman and more. Buy minifigures, and accessories from multiple Lego vendors.
Other than being a mess for you to clean, there are many positive things that come from LEGOs. For example, LEGOs help develop mindfulness, reduce stress, and help with anxiety and depression amongst children. It also helps them develop patience and helps lots of people with Ad/HD. Plus, LEGOs are a good way to detach your children from their video games, TV screens and tablets.
Detroit, if you’re looking for something for new, fun and exciting for you and your family to do this weekend, take them to Brickworld in Novi. Tickets are $16 at the door and $14 online, but use the promo code KISS21 online and get the tickets for $12. Kids three and under get in for free. Brickworld will be Saturday, September 25, 10 am – 6 pm and Sunday, September 26, 10 am – 5 pm.