Detroit Is Tupac Really Alive?
Detroit, are you a Tupac fan? Do you believe that he is alive and living off the grid? Well, if you do there is video on YouTube that has a lot of people talking and speculating on whether this video is true or not.
As most of you know, Tupac Shakur was allegedly murder on September 13, 1996. However, there have been conspiracy theorist who believe he is not dead and in fact living off the grid. Obviously no one has had any concrete evidence to support these theories, but hard core Tupac fans believe their favorite rapper is still out here somewhere.
Tupac Shakur’s 50th birthday was on June 16th and people all over the world were celebrating his life and legacy and his music. Then at some point during the day, a YouTube video surfaced of what appears to be a recording of the late rapper having a conversation with someone about his life, career and the world we live in today.
The recording isn’t very long, but it does have some people questioning whether he really is dead or not, Detroit what do you think? Is Tupac really dead?