Have You Been Doing Your Laundry Wrong This Whole Time?
Have you been doing your laundry wrong this whole time? A video that’s going viral is teaching a lot of people the correct way to do it.
The internet can be problematic. We’ve all seen that at one point or another. Maybe it’s misinformation, maybe it’s an annoying influencer, or it could be any number of things. However, the internet can also be a good place. It can entertain you and teach you a thing or two. It seems like a lot of people are just now learning the correct way to do laundry thanks to a viral video making the rounds online. Are you one of those people who didn’t know you were doing your laundry wrong? Check out the trending video below and you might leave with some new knowledge you never had before!
Have You Been Doing Laundry Wrong This Whole Time?
Okay, hopefully you haven’t been doing what he’s been doing. No, you’re not supposed to throw the cap in there with it! That’s hilarious. Honestly, I can kind of understand how you might think to do that. Like, no, I don’t do it. But I could see how one might think that you’re supposed to do that, I guess? I don’t know I’m trying to help him but it’s hard. It’s not the brightest move. Hopefully you didn’t learn something today and you already knew this and knew not to throw the cap in with your laundry.
That video was shared by @ilukugh on TikTok and has nearly 700k likes. As usual, the comments are hilarious. Some people are shamefully supporting him while others are accusing him of gaslighting her. You can always count on the comments section for some quality entertainment.