‘F1’ Starring Brad Pitt Looks Noticeably Similar To ‘Top Gun: Maverick’
After seeing the trailer for F1 starring Brad Pitt, you can’t help but notice it looks a lot like Top Gun: Maverick. Like, maybe too much?
I get that F1 is from Joseph Kosinski, the director of Top Gun: Maverick, so you’d expect some similarities in style and stuff like that. Totally understandable. However, this looks like the same movie but instead of airplanes they’re in cars. That’s just going by the trailer too. Before we start talking about all the similarities between the 2 movies. Take a minute to watch the first trailer for the movie that was recently released. See what you think.
Is ‘F1‘ Going To Be ‘Top Gun: Maverick‘ In Cars?
Okay, now you’ve seen the trailer. What do you think? See some similarities in plot between the 2 movies? I know I do!
First, let’s look back on Top Gun: Maverick. The movie was all about someone who used to be the star of their trade now having to teach a new hot shot and they don’t exactly see eye-to-eye. In that movie, Tom Cruise plays the has-been who now has to keep his ego in check and mentor the future. In ‘F1,‘ it’s Brad Pitt playing the former star who now has the responsibility of coaching and training the younger stars.
The trailer makes it seem like they’re both the same movie just in different modes of transportation! Am I the only one thinking that? They seem way too similar and that’s just from a quick trailer. Hopefully there’s more to this movie than meets the eye because it would be a bummer if this is just a cash grab and rip off of Top Gun: Maverick. I’m incredibly skeptical on this one. What do you think?