Jay-Z Spikes The ‘Lemonade’ – ‘4:44’ Lyrical Deep Dive Of The Best Songs
Check out (probably) the deepest dive on Jay-Z’s 13th studio album, song by song on our favorite 4:44’s tracks below. We didn’t cover every track on the album, but most of the tracks had some great Easter eggs. Check it out by clicking to the next page to see each deep dive of the songs.
Stand Out Lyrics: “Take those moneys and spread ‘cross families. My sisters, Hattie and Lou, the nephews, cousins and TT. Eric, the rest to B for whatever she wants to do. She might start an institute. She might put poor kids through school. My stake in Roc Nation should go to you. Leave a piece for your siblings to give to their children too. TIDAL, the champagne, D’USSÉ, I’d like to see a nice peace-fund ideas from people who look like we. We gon’ start a society within a society.”
Jay talks about what he wants his legacy to mean and do once he’s gone, even with an intro from Blue Ivy saying “Daddy, what’s a will?” We’re sure that HOV has covered himself when it comes to what he wants to do with his legacy and his money when he’s gone, but it’s nice that he decided to share that with us, that he hopes that he can leave a mark after he’s gone.
What did you think of the album? Have you listened yet? If not – YOU SHOULD! But for some context, if you haven’t listened to Lemonade from Beyonce, you may want to tackle that first.
Amy Cooper is the type of journalist that when asked “What do you bring to the table,” she replies “I am the table.